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....may your year ahead be full of
                           exotic journeys and rich adventures.

This was the Happy Birthday message sent to me 
by one of the major hotel chains in March which I rather liked! 

I had no idea that my rich adventures of travel in 2015
would include Vanuatu, 
a tropical South Pacific Island, 
which would be hit by a Tropical Cyclone 
5 days after my birthday. 

Cyclone Pam caused the worst natural disaster in Vanuatu's history.

My husband and son needed a holiday,
Vanuatu needed the tourists to return.
Win - Win!

You need to be in the mood for a tropical paradise
 it’s hard work!
Especially on an Island 
still mopping up 
from the after affects from one of the worst cyclones on record...

You see when I arrived in Vanuatu straight from my city living,
and errmmmm I’ve had a few cities in the past three months
Melbourne - Singapore - Paris - Brussels - London 
ok I can tell you’re not at all sympathetic!
but it’s a problem,
I’m wired all wrong. 

I’m wired for immediacy, 
to be on high alert, 
I get off the plane still clutching my anti-scamming purse close by 
just in case someone tries to pinch my credit cards...

It takes a while winding down so that you don’t get annoyed
 when you have no hot water or the Internet doesn’t work…

Or not to leap out of bed with a loud ‘Tut and a ‘Oh what now’
in response to the cheery knock on the door at 9.15am 
as a beaming lady in the plentiful hibiscus frock
stands at the door, mop in hand calling out sweetly 

You have to slow down, 
you have to re program yourself
You have to find your sense of humour and your inner zen.

You need to get into a new time zone

They call it Vanuatu time.
And once you find it, you'll love it
and it will be so very hard to leave...

Linking with the following
With grateful thanks to all the hosts.


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