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Little Wandering Wren updates

Hello - it's been a wee while.
It's little Jenny Wren, just stopping by to say that I'm still going strong but I've moved my attention onto my Wordpress blog. You can find me at
I hope you come over and join me there.

After six years in Thailand we are back to global travel and you will find me here, there and everywhere! My blog will feature on my life split between Australia, UK and Thailand. In 2022 I will also have travels from Bali, Malaysia, USA and France.

The summer of 2022 has been a good one. We were finally able to reunite with family and friends and dare I say it masks are off and we've nearly forgotten about you know what!

New on the blog you will find:

Wandering Superbloom at The Tower of London.
If you haven't had the chance to see Superbloom planted to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee then come and take a wander with me amongst the gorgeous floral landscape.

I tell you what, we had forgotten about that was how lovely a British Summer can be. Having not been able to get back to the UK since 2019 it has been a joy to be here. The weather has been incredible!

We were able to have the whole family together again and we went on holiday to Pembrokeshire in Wales. The only one who was missing was the Crazy Poodle and we can't wait to catch up with him at Christmas back in Melbourne, Australia.

It's been fun get out to many of the things that we used to enjoy such as The Summer Exhibition at Royal Academy of Arts in London.

We've enjoyed some incredible hotel stays in the UK too.
Here at The Macdonald Windsor

In London we stayed at a private members' club, The Lansdowne Club. Would you like to join me for a wander inside the historical building the house is decorated in the Art Deco style. It is featured as part of my Best of British series?

Before you go I can't help myself drawing your attention to Everything glitters at Glastonbury 2022 which will be a highlight of the year. I was so happy to be back at the UK's famous performing arts festival. I volunteer my time as a steward on behalf of a Somerset charity. I camp for six nights, yes me! And I survived the legendary Glastonbury toilets.

This post gives you all the inside info', we are not all there just for the music. I'm also just keeping it real and showing that life is not all five star luxury hotels!

Find me and follow along here
Twitter: @LWWren
Facebook @LWWren

That's all for now folks.
Happy Wandering!
PS for those lovely Bloggers who have this blog on their sidebars as "Blogs I follow" It would be amazing if you could update this to my new blog here at
Many thanks
Jenny xx



Margaret D said…
Well it's good to know all is well and that you have been travelling and coming to Australia too - safe travels.
eileeninmd said…
Hello Wren,
It is great you are out traveling the world again. Love the England photos, the festival looks like a fun time. I know your family and the Crazy Poodle will be very happy to see you visiting. Take care, enjoy your weekend!
Nice to hear from you and to know that you've been able to resume your travels. Just have to keep hoping that 'that-we-shall-not-name' doesn't rear its ugly little head any further over the next few months.
Good to know all is well.

All the best Jan
DeniseinVA said…
Glad all is going well. It was great hearing from you.
Nancy Chan said…
Good to know that all is well and that you have been enjoying going here and there, travelling all over the places. Festival sounds and looks like fun. Over here, mask on is more relaxed but still needed in crowded places because the cases is going up again. Stay safe.
carol l mckenna said…
How magical for you and family ~ traveling the world ~ be safe ~ Xo and hugs to the crazy poodle wherever he might be ~ Xo ~
Gorgeous photos ~ !

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
you certainly hven't let the grass grow under your feet! Happy travels. Cheers!
Very glad to hear you... Happy new year to you too..
Ravenna Meyer said…
You look fabulous Jen. Enjoy your travel always.

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