This Sunday was Church gardening.
I am not a regular attendee at Church,
just the occasional few births, deaths and marriages.
But I am always happy to lend an unskilled, youthful hand
to this small and talented group of gardeners on my return to the UK.
Plus at 11 am we get McVities chocolate biscuits!
This month we took part in the nationwide Butterfly Count.
We were out spotting how many butterflies we could see in 15-minutes.
We were pleased to record 17 Butterflies on the recording sheet,
from seven different species and a large toad apparently in the compost heap!
Although, I was head down weeding the path at the time so I missed this.
The information is recorded centrally and we received a certificate.
Such a lovely activity on a sunny English summers day.
Thanks for having me on the team!