Hello, hello have you got time for a cuppa, as I want to share something rather gorgeous with you today? I have been participating in the 10th Tea Cup and Mug Exchange organised by Stephanie at The Enchanting Rose.
I'm a newbie and just love the way that Stephanie is so thoughtful and kind in organising this and clever in her connections for participants to make new friends around the globe.
You can either choose to exchange a tea cup or a mug or as many do, both. This year there were over 200 participants. You send one package to one person (and you don't need to be a Blogger) and receive from another, and in that way, you make two lovely connections.
At this time in my life having recently left family and friends for our new Thai life, this seemed a wonderful idea and I couldn't wait to be involved. I was a little uncertain whether anyone would want to send a parcel to Thailand but they did, thank you, Andrea, in Canada!
You can imagine the smile on my face when I received details of who I was sending my parcel to and it was Lily from Home of a Lil'needlecrafter just down the road, so to speak in Malaysia. For a Wandering Wren, I had visions of mugs flying all over the world and just loved it!
Not only that but the previous week I had actually visited Lily's very town on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur when I had been attending the Malaysian Open Tennis tournament. How about that for Stephanie's amazing connection? I so could have dropped it off, had I known!
However, there was only one small problem. I was so new into life in Bangkok, I had no idea where my local Post Office was, or how to post a parcel here!! Such challenges are all part of the fun of learning to live in a new country but I'm afraid I took the easy way out. I packed everything up and took it to the UK, where I was visiting family and friends.
Easy problem solved. Mr Wren thought I was absolutely bonkers, but I told him it was a VIP parcel and in the UK I knew where the Post Office is, and I knew it would get to Malaysia!
Easy problem solved. Mr Wren thought I was absolutely bonkers, but I told him it was a VIP parcel and in the UK I knew where the Post Office is, and I knew it would get to Malaysia!
Here are the things I choose for Lily, all represented the countries I was associated with, starting with an Aboriginal artwork mug from Australia with a koala. There was a tea-towel from New Zealand which said "unable to make a decision, Cecily made a cup of tea instead" A tea canister with the words 'Lily's favourites', I was mighty happy with that find! British Twinings Tea and Tea from London, with a touch of Thailand, a tuk-tuk fridge magnet. I decided against sending Thai Tea, given that Lily is from Malaysia, I figured it might not be that different. In the background are the orchids I took over from Bangkok for my Mum's birthday!
On the other side of the world, Andrea from My Everything Corner was kind enough to be packing up a parcel for me in Thailand! She must have got the most difficult destination, I love that she was up for the challenge! Her Canadian Post office told her it could take up to three months for the delivery to Bangkok and that customs were very strict!
To add to the challenge of the distance, the destination is the fact that we have just celebrated Songkran the Thai New Year where everything shuts down for almost a week. Just as soon as the package arrives I will share it will you all. A massive thanks to Andrea in advance!
So what a lot of fun I've had participating in my first Tea Cup and Mug Exchange. I am slowly making friends here in Bangkok, everyone has been very welcoming and in the last few weeks, I've added two new friends from Malaysia and Canada, thanks to Stephanie's exchange.
Thank you so much to Stephanie, Andrea and Lily!
You can read all about the other 10th Teacup/Mug Exchange reveals
here at Stephanie's The Enchanted Rose Blog
Has the kettle boiled yet?