I haven’t been to church as often since I left the Convent in 1979. There I knew that would grab your attention... You a convent girl? I hear you chortle, Yes moi! Although I have to confess Sister Mary Clare, our Headmistress, and I were never that close. She probably let out a long sigh of relief the day I left to further my education elsewhere. Her faith, hope and charity having been tested to the max! The ensuing years saw my church attendance limited to three brief periods in which I returned to the fold, a lthough I must admit, blink and mere mortals may have missed it... Mr Wren calls these my hormonal days... All co-inciding with being pregnant in the 80's. I suppose I was searching for some inner calm, an impossible ask really for 'him upstairs' with three kids under five.... My twenties ...
Bangkok Blogger's birds eye view of the world