ちらし寿司 Chirashi-Sushi Question: So what do you say when your lovely Japanese Home stay guests ask whether they can make some Japanese food for dinner? Answer: Yes please, let me get you some chopsticks! Here is the recipe for their dinner of choice: Chirashi-Sushi I love sushi, it is my favourite Japanese food, but I had never heard of chirashi-sushi. There are many types of sushi, the most famous Japanese dish. Chirashi-sushi is perhaps the most popular type of sushi served in Japanese homes. I asked our Japanese home stay students to write out the recipe for us and here is what they wrote. We are still learning English every night This is all their own work, except I helped them with the words 'very quickly'! お米を炊きます。 それを大きなお皿に移します。 お米にキットを入れます。 お米を素早く冷まします。 そこに卵とアボガド、ゴマと海苔のキットを入れます。 I cook rice. I open it to big dish. Put on kit in rice. Cool rice with u...
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