Hello there, I hope you had a lovely Christmas? We did! An Aussie Christmas takes some getting used to for those of us born and brought up in colder climes... ' It just doesn't feel like Christmas! ' we used to cry... It is crazy busy towards the end of November and early December. Whoever planned Christmas and end of the school year together, had to be not thinking straight... My Aussie friends go for very few holiday decorations and minimal fuss. Why bother decorating the entire house when you leave for your summer holidays on Boxing Day or shortly after, and don’t come back till school starts at the end of January? An Aussie Christmas and the beach beckons! We start getting into the Christmas spirit mid December by arranging to meet the neighbours in a local park, BYO chairs, wine and nibbles. The whole street is invited, over thirty houses, and no-one has to clean up before everyone arrives. We ar...
Bangkok Blogger's birds eye view of the world